This lens helps you see details at a distance.It is usually indicated by a (-) next to the numbers under the “sphere” category of your prescription.
- Uses - Distance.
- Lens thickness: 1.5-1.74
- Prescription Range:
Near Vision
This lens is intended for seeing details at a close distance. Most commonly used for reading. It is usually indicated by a (+) next to the numbers under the “sphere” category of your prescription.
- Uses - Reading.
- Lens thickness: 1.5-1.74
- Prescription Range:
This lens provides seamless progression of many lens powers for all viewing distances. It includes three fields of vision: near, intermediate and distance. If you have never worn progressive lenses, it can take up to one month of getting adjusted to them.
- Uses - Distance & Reading
- Lens thickness: 1.5-1.74
- Prescription Range: